Computers are being replaced by laptops today. Aside from its being a space-saving gadget, laptops are also portable. They can be transferred from one place to another. They can also be brought to the office or school. They can be also brought into park or anywhere that you want to use them.Naturally, laptops have their own keyboard such as Acer Laptop Keyboard , Compaq Laptop Keyboard or Dell Laptop Keyboard and the touch pads serve as the mouse. However, some laptop users prefer to have another keyboard and mouse. For some, it is easier to use a mouse rather than the touch pad. For the past years, people used mouse and keyboard, which are connected to the computer. However, here comes the wireless keyboard and mouse. Comparing it to the past keyboard and mouse, the wireless ones are very advantageous. Before using the keyboard and mouse, they need to be installed first. Since they are not connected to the laptop, they will not function if they are not installed properly. Here is a simple step in installing wireless keyboard and mouse for laptop use:1. Put the batteries in the keyboard and mouse. Batteries are the one that will give them power since they do not accept any power from the laptop.2. Together with the keyboard and mouse is software. The software needs to be installed.3. Plug the receiver in the USB port of the laptop. If they are configured already, they can be use now. 4. Test the keyboard and mouse. See if they are working well. Observe also if there is a problem within the gadgets.