Dreams,books,are each a world;and books,we know,are a large world,both pure and good. As we are growing up, things began to changewe forget the pure and wonderful world in dreams and being pushed to the reality life. Just like those modern cartoons combining reality elements as Disney's 100 Years Of Magic dvd, life is not that simple as we thought before, it becomes more and more complex as we growing up. Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. Mark twain said. But in modern life we have to take all reality issues into account, little by little, we forget all those simple dreams and illusions just for making a living as the dad in Disney's 100 Years Of Magic dvd. It always said thatif winter comes,can spring be far behind. We just found that it hard to get through this cold winter as winter may make us loss all confidence, even life. I really, really want to make those simple and pure dreams as I made before when I was a child. I really, really want to have a good dream, wake up in warm smiling just every morning when I was a child.