Family Guy season 9 dvd is renowned for flashing to relatively unrelated scenes that parody pop tradition during an episode's story. But a number of running gags pop up constantly to entertain long-time fans. A type of running gags is Peter preventing a man in a large chicken costume. Everything started in "Da Boom, " when Peter incurs a man in a large chicken fit who is claiming the end of the planet will get to Y2K. From the time its original periods, Family Guy season 9 dvd box sets are already the most musically achieved cartoon shows all-around, a truth that has continually been hammered home by the beautiful audio blends on the DVD releases. Needlessly to say, it's in these music moments. The show never cared much for its characters. Peter, wife Lois, their three kids, and their dog dont learn much or show much actual emotion. But this show is not about figure. Its about subversion and seeing what they can get away with before Fox pulls the plug in fear of some right wing Christian group losing it.